Cosmetic Dentist
Rockland County NY

Are you in need of a smile makeover? Then you need a cosmetic dentist to transform your smile! Rock Family Dental in Rockland County NY offers cosmetic dentistry to patients. Once you undergo treatment, you’ll love what you see every time you smile in the mirror and you’ll be confident to smile in public and for photographs again. But what is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic Dentist Rockland County NY

A cosmetic dentist provides cosmetic dental treatments to patients in order to improve the appearance of their teeth and gums. Cosmetic dentistry is not necessarily about improving functionality, though it can be a bonus benefit from several procedures.

Dental Implant rockland county

Cosmetic Treatments

From minor procedures to more complex procedures, patients have access to a variety of treatment options to improve the appearance of their smiles and the functionality of their teeth.

Teeth Whitening

Perhaps the simplest cosmetic treatment patients request is teeth whitening, which brightens teeth to restore them from years of discoloration and staining. The dentist applies bleaching gel containing hydrogen peroxide to the teeth while protecting your gums and lips from exposure.

The gel must remain on the surface of the teeth for 15-30 minutes. Another round of the gel occurs after washing off the first. In some procedures, a special light activates the whitening process. Whitening is not permanent so patients may have to return for another treatment at some point in the future.

Indirect Fillings

Also known as inlay and onlay fillings, a material such as gold or porcelain fills or covers holes and other damage on the surface of a tooth. Inlays bond in the center of a tooth while onlays cover one or more points on the biting surface. The fillings are made in a dental laboratory and a dentist bonds them.


In some cases, it may be necessary to reshape a tooth. If a patient has a single crooked tooth or a misshapen tooth, a cosmetic dentist can remove parts of the enamel to make it look normal in appearance.

Dental Bridges

A bridge is a restoration device made up of one or more false teeth to replace missing teeth in the space between existing natural teeth or dental implants. The teeth on either side receive dental crowns to anchor the bridge. The dentist cements the bridge in place to prevent removal.


Dental veneers are another common cosmetic option patients choose to improve the appearance of their teeth. A veneer is a thin shell a dentist bonds to the front of an existing tooth. This treatment is often chosen to cover gaps between teeth, tooth discoloration, crookedness, and minor chips.


A dental crown is basically a cap that covers an existing tooth or replaces a missing one. They are commonly chosen by patients to protect a weak tooth or hold a broken tooth together. They can also cover misshapen teeth. Crowns can be made of metal, porcelain, resin, or ceramic, and also serve as the top of a dental implant.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are screwlike titanium posts that a dentist inserts to replace the root of a tooth. Several months of healing must take place as the implant post fuses to the jawbone. This makes the implant stronger so it can support a new crown that caps it. Same-day dental implants are often available to patients and they can last for a lifetime if taken care of properly. They can also anchor bridges and dentures.

Gum Lifts

This cosmetic procedure involves raising and sculpting a patient’s gum line to create the appearance of symmetrical teeth and treat gummy smiles. It is also an effective treatment for gum disease.


In some cases, orthodontics is necessary to provide patients with the cosmetic appearance they desire. This could mean traditional metal or ceramic braces or clear aligner technology such as Invisalign to shift teeth into correct alignment over a period of time to achieve the best results.

Braces feature brackets that the dentist bonds to the front of each tooth. An archwire anchors the brackets and serves as the tightening mechanism to put pressure on teeth to shift. Elastic bands add additional support and pressure.

Invisalign is a series of clear removable trays made of multiple layers of medical-grade plastic that patients wear for 22 hours a day over their teeth before switching to a new set every two weeks.

Financial Information

Dental insurance usually does not cover most cosmetic dental treatments. Therefore, patients will likely have to pay for them out-of-pocket. However, insurance will cover the cost of procedures if they are medically necessary. Some cosmetic treatments meet this requirement if it is restorative. Rock Family Dental will help you file insurance claims. We also offer affordable monthly payment plans.

Contact Us

If you want to improve your smile and your oral health, Rock Family Dental proudly serves Rockland County and surrounding communities in New York. To learn more about cosmetic dentistry or to make an appointment, call our office at 845-613-3110 today!

Cosmetic Dentist Rockland County