Dental Services in Rockland County NY

Rock Family Dental offers a wide variety of treatments and services to our patients. From simple teeth cleaning to more complex care such as orthodontics and oral surgery, Rock Family Dental can provide you with the care you need to maintain, correct, or improve your oral health.

Here’s a rundown of our available treatments:

Dental Services in Rockland County

General Dentistry

The most basic and foundational treatments at Rock Family Dental concern general dentistry. General dentistry includes restoration treatments, preventative treatments, and cosmetic treatments. Think of a general dentist as a primary care provider who provides a wide range of basic treatments and services.

    • Preventative

The purpose of preventative care is to prevent dental problems from occurring at all. That means complete examinations of your teeth and gums by the dentist along with x-rays and other imaging to get a look at what’s going on beneath the surface. An exam can reveal potential problems or minor problems so that we can get ahead of them and prevent them from becoming bigger issues.

After an exam, a thorough teeth cleaning removes hard-to-reach plaque and bacteria from every nook and cranny of your teeth. This eliminates buildup and prevents cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease.
Prevention also includes dental sealants for children. Sealants are thin plastic shells that cover the surface of baby teeth to prevent cavities

    • Restoration

Restoration services restore damaged or broken teeth back to their normal appearance. This includes fillings, in which the dentist removes tooth decay from a cavity and fills it in with a material to restore the look and feel of your tooth and protect it from further damage.

A patient may also need a tooth extraction to remove an unhealthy tooth. Or maybe you have a chipped tooth or a crack. In these cases, Rock Family Dental can restore the appearance of your smile by providing a dental crown or cap over the existing tooth or to top off a dental implant. Perhaps you would prefer a denture, a removable appliance that fills the space between existing teeth to replace missing teeth. We can do that for you!

    • Cosmetic

If merely improving the appearance of your teeth is what you are looking for, cosmetic dentistry is what you need. Teeth whitening is the primary service patients choose. An in-office teeth whitening treatment involves covering the teeth with a special bleaching gel to gradually brighten the shade of your teeth until you get the results you desire.

Tooth-colored fillings can repair and seal damage to the tooth. And veneers are thin shells of porcelain a dentist bonds to the front of a tooth to hide minor damage, spaces, and discoloration. Just be aware that cosmetic dentistry is not always covered by dental insurance.

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is sometimes necessary to resolve problems such as impacted wisdom teeth, infected teeth, gum disease, and other oral health issues.

    • Tooth Extraction

A tooth may need to be cut out because it is too stubborn to pull. The surgeon will make small cuts in the gum to loosen the root. An elevator lifts the tooth and forceps pull it out.

    • Bone Grafts

If your jaw is weak or unhealthy, it’s possible you need a bone graft to strengthen it.

Close-up Dental Surgery Process. Implantation. Dentist Surgeon W
    • Jaw Correction

Surgical correction of the jaw often treats TMJ, a condition in which the jaw joints cause patients pain, making chewing and speaking difficult.

    • Sleep Apnea

Excess tissue may be causing breathing problems while you sleep. Removing the tissue can clear the obstructions.

    • Dental Implants

A dental implant is a screwlike titanium post that fuses with your jawbone to act as an artificial root. It is then capped with a dental crown to restore your appearance.

    • Root Canal

After removing infected tooth pulp in an effort to save the tooth, it may be necessary to remove the tip of the root and seal it off to promote healing and prevent re-infection.

    • Periodontal Surgery

This involves temporarily moving the gum tissue away from your teeth to remove the underlying plaque and bacteria that is causing your gum disease.

Brunette Woman With Beautiful Smile Before Receiving Dental Care

Cosmetic Dentistry

As mentioned above under general dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry improves the appearance of your teeth. It often serves a restoration purpose. Cosmetic dentistry is not limited to teeth whitening, veneers, and fillings. It also includes dental crowns, dental implants, and orthodontics such as braces.

But it also includes reshaping, which is when the dentist sculpts a tooth to give it a more natural appearance. Cosmetic dentistry also treats gummy smiles through a procedure known as a gum lift, which involves sculpting the gum line. We can also provide a patient with a dental bridge, an appliance featuring artificial teeth that a dentist bonds in the space between your existing teeth. Again, please be aware that your dental insurance may not cover cosmetic dentistry treatments. We will gladly help you file claims if applicable.

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentistry is basically general dentistry for children. Parents should schedule their child’s first dentist appointment after the first tooth’s appearance at around six months old. Rock Family Dental will check on the tooth to make sure it is healthy and developing correctly.

Teeth cleanings, exams, fillings, sealants, and extractions are all routine pediatric dental treatments we provide. Early orthodontic appliances such as light braces, palatal expanders, and space maintainers are also part of pediatric treatment.

Rock Family Dental additionally specializes in treating special needs children and is certified to provide sedation, the primary method being nitrous oxide or laughing gas.

Dental Care.smiling Dentist Doctor Holding Aligners And Braces I


Orthodontics are appliances that gradually shift teeth into correct alignment over a period of time to fix problems including underbite, overbite, crossbite, open bite, overcrowding, gaps between teeth, and crookedness. The primary method of doing this is via braces or clear aligners such as Invisalign.

Traditional braces are made of metal. Brackets bond to the front of each tooth and an archwire runs through them. The wire serves as the mechanism that puts pressure on the teeth to shift them. Elastic bands provide additional support and pressure. Patients can also choose ceramic braces, self-ligating braces, and lingual braces if they prefer.

And finally, Invisalign is a series of clear removable aligners that work just like braces, only they are made of multiple layers of medical grade plastic and do not require dietary restrictions. Patients wear the aligners for 22 hours a day and switch to a new set every two weeks. It’s a popular alternative to braces around the world.

Contact Rock Family Dental Today!

Rock Family Dental is ready to provide treatment to you and your family. Don’t ignore your oral health. To make an appointment or to learn more, contact us at 845-613-3110 today!